Guided Freeride Day

Freeriden in Zermatt

Guided Freeride Day Ski in a group

Freeriding is best described as skiing on virgin snow in natural terrain away from the marked and patrolled ski slopes. Enjoy a full day off-piste experience with a ZERMATTERS certified mountain guide (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation/UIAA – International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations/IFMGA).

From CHF 200.- p.P.

Freeride Day with a private mountain guide

Freeriding is best described as skiing on virgin snow in natural terrain away from the marked and patrolled ski slopes. Enjoy a full day off-piste experience with a ZERMATTERS certified mountain guide (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation/UIAA – International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations/IFMGA).

From CHF 720.- p.P.

Guided Freeride Day Snowboard in a group

Freeriding is best described as skiing on virgin snow in natural terrain away from the marked and patrolled ski slopes. Enjoy a full day off-piste experience with snowboard with a ZERMATTERS certified mountain guide (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation/UIAA – International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations/IFMGA). 

From CHF 200.- p.P.

Guided Snowboard Freeride Day Private

Freeriding is best described as skiing on virgin snow in natural terrain away from the marked and patrolled ski slopes. Enjoy a full day off-piste experience on snowboard with a ZERMATTERS certified mountain guide (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation/UIAA – International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations/IFMGA). Regardless of the prevailing snow conditions, we offer you a fantastic, unforgettable adventure in the form of couloirs, glacier descents and unknown terrain. Based on your experience and the snow conditions, we will put together your FREERIDE DAY the day before!

From CHF 720.- p.P.